7     As far as Operations were concerned, October and November were extremely unproductive and December was not much better but, towards the end of the month, the Wing started to photograph Military Installations in the Pas de Calais area and these were interesting at a later date when South-East England was attacked by the dreaded Buzz Bomb. There was panic in England about these photographs and prints were required almost before the aircraft had landed! 34 Wing rose to the occasion magnificently when prints of pictures taken on the same afternoon were flown by Harry Cartmell at night to Swanton Morley for 2 Group.     Christmas was celebrated with perhaps rather more than the usual zest because it was the first Christmas of the Wing. The airmen were entertained on the 25th by Officers and Sergeants and there was an "All Ranks" Dance in the evening. The Officers held a more sedate dinner party on the 26th at which speeches were called for but produced only one outstanding orator in Tony Davis, who made a singularly apt reference to the 16 Squadron motto "Operta Aperta."     Mosquitos and Spitfires continued to be allotted and, by February, 16 Sqn were almost fully equipped and 140 were now taking an active part again in Day- light Operations in Mosquitos. The weather improved and tasks became more and more numerous so that, on Feb 24th, we were able to fly 31 sorties of which 29 were successful and produced 7,451 negatives and 23,466 prints.     At this period 140 were given an interesting and important new task which had been started by 106 Group but which that Group was unable to complete. 91 small areas in Normandy were to be covered, using survey cameras, in order to select sites on which the future airfields of 2nd Tactical Air Force and the Unites States Army Air Forces were to be built when the ground had been captured. -+ Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.