From the operations log, 123 Air Liaison Section: date | sortie  | pilot         | time | height | cameras | target | photographs | comment 9/1  | 16/1580 | F/Lt L-Murray | 1300 | 18000  | 14"    | Oldenburg | NP | Pilot claims one Wildeshavenone Ju 88 probably A/F Bisseldestroyed From the 16 Squadron Line Book 9th January 1945 This is Leagh-Murray's personal account, written in the 'Line Book' when he returned to the Mess after being debriefed. Date: 9.1.45 Pilot: F/Lt L-Murray Aircraft: Spit XI T 890 Time: 1110 1345 Height: 17-19000 Cameras: S/14" Airfields & River at Oldenburg & Hamburg Photos a/b 1110. Climbed to 18,000ft and s/c for Bremen. First targets under cloud. Flew on to Hamburg. When nearing target area ran into 10/10ths cloud, descended to obtain pin-pt. On breaking cloud saw Ju 88 to port and just ahead. Made an attack on him and he turned away into a tight turn to port. Followed him into turn and when nearing blacking out pt saw him flick into a spin and disappear into cloud between 5 & 6,000 ft still spinning. Could not pin-pt myself but observed a big river ahead to port. Flew towards it and eventually found myself over Hamburg at about 10,000 ft. s/c for Bremen and was able to make a short run on river target, then s/c for base and pancaked at 1345 hrs in a heavy snow storm. Leagh-Murray < Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.